Multiplexed pesticide analysis by GC-TQMS by Scion Instuments
As plant protection products, pesticides may be used in food production (growth), storage, and transport. The potential physico-chemical transfer of regulated pesticides varies with the type of pesticide used and the type of food being produced. The maximum residue levels (MRLs) of pesticides established by the European Commission in effort to protect consumer safety differ according to their risk with the majority of MRLs falling between 10-500 μg/kg (ppb). For pesticides without an established MRL, the minimum value of 10 ppb is taken.
The high accuracy and speed of analyses using the 8900 GC-TQMS system, is extremely well suited to meet the laboratory necessities of method throughput and sensitivity for rapid determination of target pesticides.
Read the APPLICATION NOTE below to learn more!
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